Metea County Park is a 250-acre park in north central Allen County, Indiana with 5 miles of trails. A portion is dedicated as Meno-aki State Nature Preserve. North and South Park areas are separated by Cedar Creek, a state designated scenic river. There are mature forests, wetlands, and prairies with many scenic river overlooks.
There are many sounds you may hear at Metea Park. There are a wide variety of birds singing, insects buzzing, and frogs peeping. You can hear water rushing down Cedar Creek and squirrels rustling in the leaves. Experience the world through your ears and let it leave you with a sense of calm -- a "green mind."
Enjoy a self-guided listening walk in nature. Walk to each listening post and listen to nature. Explore the mapped-out sounds of the forest below, recorded using different microphones, with your mobile device and headphones. Learn about sounds and access the sound library. Learn new things about the park at each stop and try an activity.

Tap map to magnify.
Listening Posts
Begin your walk at the Nature Center. Follow the map to each post and view the picture to check your location. Listen to nature and slide through the gallery to learn about where you are, the sounds you may find, and activities to enhance your experience. Listen to the recordings below to hear sounds recorded at your post at different times of the year.
* Recorded sounds consist of non-autonomous ambient seasonal sounds and curated individual sounds to reflect both sounds one would encounter on a typical day and those rarely encountered but together are reflective of the larger diversity of sounds present throughout the year. Recordings are obtained using strict ethical standards. Animals are not disturbed, sounds are not obtained off-trail, and surrounding human voices are never recorded.

Prairie and Forest 41.20479N 85.04215W

Prairie and Forest

Prairie and Forest

Prairie and Forest 41.20479N 85.04215W
Cardinal, Chickadee
Rain, Birds, Blue Jay
Insects, House Wren
Enjoy the sounds of Metea County Park!
Cardinal, Insects
Field Notes

Forest and Creek 41.20569N 85.04091W

Forest and Creek

Forest and Creek

Forest and Creek 41.20569N 85.04091W
Rushing water, birds
Rushing water, Blue Jays
Rushing Water, Cardinal
Water, Blue Jays
Field Notes

Forest 41.20576N 85.03924W



Forest 41.20576N 85.03924W
Squirrel, leaves
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Insect, Red-eyed Vireo, Cardinal, Carolina Wren
American Crows
Field Notes

Forest 41.20399N 85.03738W



Forest 41.20399N 85.03738W
Robin, Cardinal, Goldfinch
W. Chorus Frogs
Gray Tree Frogs, Cicadas
Wood Frog (Rare), Chickadee
Field Notes

Forest 41.20444N 85.03757W



Forest 41.20444N 85.03757W
Cardinal, leaves
Downy Woodpecker
Red-eyed Vireo, Woodpecker
Falling Leaves
Field Notes

Forest 41.24436N 85.03926W



Forest 41.24436N 85.03926W
Squirrel, Cardinal, Woodpecker
Annual Cicadas, tree frog
Bird, Robin
Field Notes

Forest 41.20527 N 85.03995 W



Forest 41.20527 N 85.03995 W
Chickadee, Cardinal, Robin, Goldfinch
Red-eyed Vireo, Titmouse, Chickadee, Insects
Catbird, Mosquito
Field Notes

Prairie and Pond 41.20263N 85.04015W

Prairie and Pond

Prairie and Pond

Prairie and Pond 41.20263N 85.04015W
House Sparrow, Farm Rooster
Song Sparrow, House Sparrow
Song Sparrow, Insects
Field Notes
Sound Library
Recorded in Northeast Indiana